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Greetings, Janklords. 

It is I, Daniel, purveying this week's bi-weekly update. The biggest news of the week, 

  • THE IMPERIAL FACTION has won the Kamigawa Pre-Release Showdown! 

Congratulations to the Imps for maintaining control of Eiganjo Castle. The victory was hard-fought, and won by the skin of their collective teeth. After 16 games played over the week, here's the final tally: 

The Imperials - 11 Points

The Reckoners - 10 Points

The Futurists - 6 Points

The Imps and Recks were tied after regulation time, and the Imps won it by a single bonus award point. The Imperial players will soon be christened with a shiny new Discord tag, and first dibs on participating in the next Jank Brawl series. 

Thanks to all who participated! You're all worthy in the demon's eyes.

  • The Episode Outtakes video will be finished cooking for Indulgent Janksters and up this week.

  • I just received the [REDACTED] of the new [REDACTED] for the season premiere and it is unreal. 

  • The sleeve prototypes just came in (!!!). We'll likely send out a survey to see which design you like best v soon.

That's all for now. I'm heading back to the millstone. Enjoy your week, friends!

xoxo, Daniel




Woot woot! Imperials for the win!😊