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Greetings to Janklords new and old!

Thanks for being here. You make us feel warm and fuzzy inside.

Now that the Age of Isolation is officially behind us (RIP to the OG dungeon), let's look to the future...to Season 3.

As teased at the very end of the latest episode, we're launching the new season within the first quarter of 2022. We aren't setting a hard date yet, in case we need some cushion to iron out the technical kinks. 

Here's our game plan: 

1. Do a test game shoot at the tail end of January/first week of Feb. to make sure we have our ducks in a row. Knowing how things go, there's bound to be a plethora of gremlin-instigated malfunctions we'll need to tweak with the new space. While I probably won't edit this game to the same polish that I would a normal episode, we'll release it just for patrons as a behind-the-scenes treat in Feb.  

2. Shoot the narrative and game for S3:E1 between mid-February and early March. Once we're comfortable with our setup, we'll move forward with 3:1. 

3. Release 3:1 mid-March in tandem with our next playmat (and any other contraband the demon sees fit). Thanks to all who offered feedback on what items they'd like to see!

4. Conquer the world via the cold and calculated release of the most insidious jank EDH series mankind has ever seen. But for real, Season 3 is going to be bonkers. Once we relaunch, our goal is to release every 1-1.5 months to keep your appetite as sated as demonly possible. The unholy arc of Season 3 will take 7-8 episodes to complete its torrid tale. Yes indeed, the demon has plans for you all...

Thank you for sticking with us through troubled waters. We'll soon return to the Promised Plane, flowing with EDH and honey; where Magicians might glut themselves on JANK ETERNAL.

Talk to you laterrrrr,

Daniel (with love from the other dudes, the wheemaster, and the demon)

P.S. Indulgent Janksters and up will be getting a little Age of Isolation Outtakes video in the coming weeks.

P.P.S. We'll also record a commentary track for the last Age of Isolation episode as soon as we can and get that to all patrons.



Alex Szymanski

Super excited for all of this news. Keep up the good work and I expect to enjoy myself with Janky goodness in Q1.

Priest of RAmen

I would love to see a picture of the Wheemaster xD Just him going Wheeee! On a Rollercoaster...I know it was just a typo but one can dream <3