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Hey Janklords! It's Daniel back with a bi-weekly update.

We hope you've been happy and healthy as we approach the holidays. It's been an odd but delightful feeling to be back in production mode, and we're very grateful for the opportunity to be doing this.

After filming some stuff a few weeks ago, we played a real-life game of commander (!!!). Our first in person game together since the pandemic hit. It was wonderful. 

(Joe lovingly reminded us that Smothering Tithe should be destroyed on sight. Thank the Demon that thing is out of budget.)


Here be the update:

-There's not much nitty-gritty to update you on, other than we're working on the episode and the set. We did have a COVID exposure (we didn't catch it!) that delayed our final narrative shoot for the episode, which we're picking up this weekend. I'm hopeful I can still finish the edit by December 10th, but I'll keep you posted if that changes. It won't be much later if so.

In lieu of anything too juicy for updates, here are a couple BTS photos from our recent shoot: 

Pictured Above: Three men, knocking over light.

Pictured Below: The Janklord, modeling.

That's all for today! Talk to you soon.


Daniel (and also the demon & co.)

P.S. Are you excited about Unfinity? Are there demons in space?? And what does the contract say about acorn stamps??? Find out next time on QUEST FOR THE  UN-LORD!

P.P.S. Sorry, bad pun. 

P.P.P.S *ahem* Excuse me, p-un.




So excited - thanks for the update!

Priest of RAmen

Soon more glorious Jank will be had! Much love <3