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You have our legit undying gratitude for sticking with us through this very slow period for us, content-wise. Thank you. Seriously. 

As things get much busier around here, we wanted to instate a new thing: bi-weekly patreon updates. This will be a venue for us to communicate more clearly with you the specific goings-on in the Netherrealm from week to week. Or rather, from bi-week to bi-week. 

Here's what Asmoranomardicadaistinaculdacar has coming up on the plate for you,


  • PodQuest Q&A Episode - Premiers this Thursday, 11/4
  • Jank Brawl League - First Episode Premiers Tuesday, 11/9
  • Age of Isolation 4 (the last one) - Premiere Date TBD

We'll be returning to you this week and next in various forms! We're excited to boot the podcast back up and start a new ongoing Arena Brawl series that Joe has been working on.  

While we'd like to give you a hard date for the last Age of Isolation episode, the narrative filming is ongoing...so we can't quite get specific yet. Just know it'll be this month! 

Next update we'll touch base on the studio and beyond.

Talk to you v v v soon. 


the demon & co.




I dont doubt you dudes are working hard and keeping it jankey. Much love and can't wait for more as always