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Glorious Patrons, 

Behold a man who knows his way around a table saw as well as he does a counter spell: 

Plans have been drawn and their realization has begun. John has been doing the lion's share of constructing frames for our new set the past few weeks. The demon tips a glass of  Mind Drink in appreciation. Thank you, Johnny. 

Our plan is to be moved into our moldy new cave by May--after which time, vaccination depending, we'll begin shooting new in-person episodes. CLAWS CROSSED, FRIENDS!

In other news, the next virtual episode will be coming out this very month....with 2 very special guests. Get stoked :)

Talk to you soon. 

xoxo, the demon & co.



Minty Magic

I’m ready for more jank


I am summoning a Janklord Construction logo into existence with all of my kaldheim draft chaff