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Dearest Janklords,

We've been a little quiet for a few weeks, but rest assured...we have not been idle. What follows is a delectable assortment of announcements and gifts.

1. AGE OF ISOLATION PART II APPROACHES. That's right. Did you think we were resting on our cinder-laden laurels? You'd be forgiven, if so. Nay, we're deep in the edit of the next episode, and it will be visited upon you next week. If you're in the market for some hot BTS, here's a non-descript photo of a recent shoot...

2. THE KICKSTARTER. If you hadn't noticed, our Kickstarter campaign was successful! We don't have a final count on how much money we'll take in after expenses, but we can safely say that we funded a year of rent in a new studio space. We are floored. Thank you to everyone who picked up a playmat--it humbles us to no end that ~600 of our playmats will be out in the world. Can't wait to see them at events someday (2021, plz?)!


We've got a number of these to get through. Behold the Demon's generosity:

August's Standard Booster goes to...

Kevin Ridder. The Demon is profoundly grateful for your support and existence. Fingers crossed for no banned cards! 

August's Fallen Empires Booster goes to...

Alec Martinak. *laughs maniacally* 

September's Standard Booster goes to...

Daniel Aldrich. There's nothing standard about you, Daniel. 

September's Fallen Empires Booster goes to...

Gary Howard. *laughs maniacally again*

Age of Isolation Part I's Game Winning Deck goes to...

Rachel Reeves! Well done, Rachel. We won't post which deck that is, in case anyone hasn't seen the game yet...but it will be a fine addition to your collection of jank no doubt. 

Stay tuned for more jank next week! Wishing you all the very best from the Netherrealm.


Daniel, the Demon, & Co.



Cameron Sunken

Awesome news guys!!! I cannot wait for that glorious JANK!

Minty Magic

One of these days.....I will get my hands on one of those jank decks!