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Hi. How are you? 

Have you ever played a 5+ hour game of EDH? We just did. And you'll get to see it soon (we promise it won't take that long to watch).  

This month we'll be releasing our first COVID-era remote gameplay video. We didn't think we could add any more meaning to the word "jank", but the Demon surprises us again and again. And we think you'll like it :) 

This will be the very first video that's being edited on a machine built specifically for video editing, and that's been made possible by YOU. Your support has been incredible, and it means so much to us--especially in these troubled times. Thank you. We're going to keep bringing the jank however we can. 

Speaking of thanks, at long last we've got postcards going out in the mail. Small, sweet-nothings to each and every one of you for your generosity. They'll be going out in waves, because frankly--there's a lot of you. You're amazing. 

We'll announce July boosters and such shortly. And give you updates on when you'll see the episode ASAP. Until then, it's back to the millstone. 


4 dudes, Wheelmaster, & a demon



Minty Magic

Got mine yesterday! It got pretty beat up but I’m gonna use it as a bookmark. Do you guys have stickers? I’d love one for my playmat tube

tobias robinson

I just received my postcard today, thank you so much, you guys are the best! My longest game was 3 hours in a pod of 6 playing the Emperor Format.