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Janklords. Patron Saints. Companions on The Quest. 

It’s been a wild two months. Thank you for coming alongside us on this mad and beautiful quest. The response has been overwhelming and totally unexpected--most humbling of all has been the response from you, our band of fellow janksters. 

Our goal from the start has been to have fun, get janked, and make people smile. Thank you for supporting that. It means the world to us. 

We first sold our souls to the Demon over a year ago. It took 9+ months, 1 scrapped episode (which we’ll show you someday), and a whole lot of effort to release Episode 1. We then condensed that process into about a month for Episode 2. By the time we finished--tired and nearly dead--it became clear that our current infrastructure can’t support full episodes that live up to the quality the Demon demands every month (yet).

In order to retain (and improve upon) the quality of Quest for the Janklord that you’ve come to expect, we need to tweak our release schedule a bit. We’re not going anywhere, and you’ll still get monthly videos--it will just look a bit different. Here’s the new plan: 

We’ll be releasing full episodes bi-monthly, with shorter videos for the months in between. We’re calling these, Interludes. These videos will be a variety of gameplay, comedy, and other hot garbage. We think you’ll still enjoy them….

Here’s the schedule for the next few months, for reference:


December: EPISODE 3


February: EPISODE 4

Et, al...

This new schedule allows us to work at a pace that’s sustainable (and enjoyable), ensure Demon-demanded quality, and get videos to you before the general public. The entirety of Season 1 will flow this way. 

We realize this isn’t necessarily the schedule you had in mind when you became a patron--so if you need to alter your pledge in light of this news, we TOTALLY understand. 

Either way, we look forward to continuing this Quest with you. We already have plans to utilize the support you’ve given us so far to make QFTJL even better. 

The Fallen Empires booster packs that October patrons were promised will be in the mail by Friday (the post office in the Netherrealm is a bit sluggish, but probably expect them next week). The new schedule will not affect Patron perks (except some for Jankmasters--we’ll message your separately).  

If you have any questions or concerns, we’re happy to hear them. The Demon has one of us chained to a computer at all times (dial-up blows), so we’ll be sure to answer. 


Daniel, on behalf of the Demon & the Jank Squad


Thomas Bilbaugh

Have you guys even considered cutting out the "Interludes" so you can focus on full episodes instead? Personally, it gives that entire "elevator waiting room" we saw the other 3 guys in at the start of the last episode...a more personal feeling. Thanks for giving an update on where things stand! But I think you guys could trim *even more* and still see good content & quality come out 6-7 times a year.