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Wallpaper coming in a separate post. Reminder that newsletters are public as of last month :) and so: the news, in letters.

Thanks for an amazing 2022.
Truly, 2022 was pretty spectacular on Patreon and in general for Familiar, and obviously that's all thanks to you. Thanks for your support, your loyalty, your feedback, and also, your dollars. I know it's supposedly crass to talk about money, but like. Money pays bills and helps me be alive, and so, to anyone who's subscribed to Patreon, commissioned me, sent me a donation, or financially supported me in any way: thanks! It really does make the comic possible.

New shop coming in 2023
In late December I signed on with a new shop platform that is going to greatly improve the Soushiyo shop, both in terms of browsing/shopping experience (like being able to choose and sort my own categories/product listings, no more "Men/Unisex"!) and also in terms of products (both selection and quality). All of the items that are in the current shop should be made available in the new shop, so don't feel like you have to go and buy anything -- in fact, the quality and selection will be better in the new shop, so if you were waiting to spend some holiday money on Familiar stuff, give me just a couple weeks here and I might have something new and special for you to choose from. 

Late winter/early spring Familiar schedule
As a reminder, Familiar is on break this month. The next chapter drop (3X OFFERING) will be coming in March, followed by 3X IMPACT in May. The next plot chapter, Chapter 17 FULL, should drop in June if all goes well. However, I will still be working on Familiar-related stuff, and so Patreon will not be paused. Here are some of the perks you'll see coming this month:

  • Advanced Access: I will still post a WIP roundup with some previews, and the illustration/art roundup post, of course, with any artwork I produce throughout January
  • Influencers: 2nd Poll for 3X IMPACT on 15 January
  • All Collector's perks (Exclusive art & stream)
  • All Scholar's perks (2x author's commentary)
  • All Seeker perks (tarot reading and art)

As always, my everlasting gratitude. Let's get it 2023!



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