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First in order: Some slight changes on Patreon

Thanks to Twitter imploding, and so on, and so forth, I've decided to make a couple changes to how Patreon posts roll out during the month. The first thing of note is that starting today, newsletters will be posted to the public. Because anyone can follow a Patreon creator account, even if they're not subscribed, I figured this would be a nice way to let people stay in touch with Familiar news even if they're not on Twitter, or if something happens to Twitter. cough

So, hello world! Welcome to my boring-ass newsletter.

Schedule/progress updates

I didn't finish the 3X IMPACT thumbnails in November because I meant to do that today and today is not November anymore. But I don't have any concerns at the moment with finishing it on time. Chapter 16 SWEET is still scheduled to drop at the end of the month, and I'm not going to worry too much about dropping something on New Year's Eve because y'all can go read it whenever you want anyway. Look forward to it.

Patrons survey coming

I'll be posting a link to my annual Patrons survey a bit later this month to get a feel for how things are going and how I can improve Patreon and your experience of it. Thanks as usual for your participation.

New products launched

A couple new products launched in November on the shop:

SHOP AT: shop.soushiyo.com 

Through December, enjoy a 5% discount for the holidays in our saying SO LONG, 2022. Coupon code is BYE2022

Thanks as always for your loyalty and support, happy holidays and looking forward to a fresh new year!



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