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16 MILK (working title) thumbnails complete

Chapter came in at 24 pages at the moment. Title will probably change to SWEET (this is how I have it listed on the site at the moment). First chapter of Act 3! Wow! Here we go!

Familiar schedule

Listen, the good news is, we're getting a new chapter every month starting now through October. Wow!! End of August, chapter 14 OPEN. End of September for Familiarversary is 15 WET part 1 (18 pages). And end of October for Jack's birthday/Samhain is 15 WET part 2 (another 18 pages!). Very exciting stuff.


...was a garbage fire. I didn't get any extra projects (like the DE site, the mob brush, ro anything) done because over the course of the month, I racked up over $5000 in random pointless expenses including my art laptop turning into a spicy pillow and needing to be replaced, cat vet bills, and our garage was broken into/stuff was stolen. 

On top of that, after I wrote that update at the beginning of July, we had a plumbing issue that needed to be fixed, and then I was diagnosed with Central Serous Retinopathy :) :) :) So that has made drawing and reading really fun. 

I am not telling you all this for a pity party. Honestly given everything I'm glad we are able to take care of these surprise and extravagent expenses, and the CSR will apparently resolve on its own (after 3-4 months lmfao). I'm just letting you know in case I and/or my content have seemed off the past month. I'm going through it. lol

So with all that said I don't really have any additional news. I'm going to keep plugging away with the comic and Patreon perks, and see if I can carve out some extra time to do some of this other bonus stuff. Thanks in advance for your understanding and patience.




Mary of the Grapefruit

I'm sorry you had that diagnosis, and glad it may clear up? ( I'm glad it'll clear up, insane that it happened) I'm gonna shut up and let you be (stupid brain)


Why don't you just step back a bit? Take care of your health first. I can speak only for myself but pending any financial crisis I am not going anywhere. Just because we toss you a few coins (Witcher refernce intented) doesn't mean you have to work yourself into a dumpster. Just get better.