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The new website is ready for your preview. A couple things before you look (please read all of this before looking)

- This is a user experience/design review only. I'm looking for feedback on things like: 

  • general aesthetic impression
  • font size/readability
  • cross-device responsivity
  • navigability (see caveat below)
  • typos

- Re: the navigation: I have NOT linked up the new homepage or the new chapter pages yet. So, when you click on the logo or home in the menu, it will take you to the OLD home page. Obviously, this will be updated when the site launches.

- I made new covers! Same illustrations but new, refreshed design. Note that the new covers do NOT yet appear on the chapter landing pages. I will update those when the site launches. 

- I will be updating the text-based chapter list soon to be automatic so I don't have to update it manually.


- New home page with filterable chapter tiles. The chapter tiles have ontap/hover states with information about the chapters

- New chapter landing pages with ALL CHAPTERS PAGES ON ONE PAGE. This means you only navigate to a new page when it's time to view a new chapter. This should reduce calls to the server and hopefully speed the site up in terms of resource management. It also makes uploading new chapters way easier for me.

- New mobile reading lightbox! Open the pages in a lightbox on mobile (or desktop) to view responsively with touch controls and a thumbnail previewer! Wow!!!

- All the interior pages (characters, about, gallery) have also been updated

When submitting feedback

If you have more than general feedback, please be sure to include the URL of the page you're commenting on/about, and include a screenshot if possible. This is really helpful when it comes to fixing bugs/display issues. It is also helpful if you include the device, browser, and/or operating system you're using.

You can comment right here or DM me with feedback. I've also opened a new channel on the Discord server if you'd like to participate there.

OK? OK! I'm hoping to go through feedback this week and launch on Friday or something like that. The interior pages are actually already updated, so it would just be the homepage and the new chapters... But here we go!


I've also made a new Patreon explainer page, which will launch when the new tiers do on Feb 1 :)





The list of chapters on the main page has two chapter 11s (Holy bankruptcy, Batman! :) and no chapter 10...