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Hello! This newsletter is going to be mega-short because not a lot of news.

July wallpaper attached 

ETA International Non-binary Peoples' Day

Based on feedback, I reduced the size from the enormous, gargantuan size so it might be a little more digestible. If you are a wallpaper size regent, please let me know and I will give you what you desire.

Credits form for 2X GAZE

If you would like to be listed on the credits page for the chapter I am working on this month (2X GAZE), the survey to input your desired credit name is here:


Remember that you only have to complete this survey once per chapter. If you already filled this out in June, you do not need to do it again. (it's the same survey)

Everything on track!

I've been healing from a back injury that is preventing me from sitting for long periods of time, but I've been able to stay on track with Familiar so far and hope to keep it up through July (and hoping to be healed up, too). 2X GAZE thumbnails are all ready to get finished up this month, and I'll be cleaning up the script for 2X PLEASE for drop as well. 

Patrons-only content staying on Patreon for the time being

Due to a variety of technical annoyances, I will be continuing to post and receive all patrons-only content and perks via Patreon only. Basically, the new host cannot guarantee that my password protection will work reliably on the website (the trade off for cloud mirrored hosting), and also Patreon can't seem to figure out why the Discord server bot only works 50% of the time. So, I will be posting the advanced access pages here, as well as continue to take prompts on the server and in Patreon DMs only (eg not through the website form). Sorry for the complication.

I know it has been kind of quiet here in terms of posts and I apologize. I am working hard to keep the comic on schedule, but I will also try to remember to share some of that as I'm working on it. Please enjoy this image of Diana realizing she's about to have to tell Gibbs that she has super kinky sex with Jack, from 11 SWITCH.



Thank you so much!