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Ahoy, mateys. It's time for the July newsletter.

Right so first of all, some Patreon tomfoolery. 

I don't know what's going on with Patreon lately, but it's annoying and disruptive. This morning I believe it was down for a couple hours, which prevented a lot of people from updating their payment info on expired credit cards and so on. It also prevented me from writing this newsletter, AND when I try to send DMs there's nowhere to type the name of the person I want to send a DM to. So although I try to get a message out to new Patrons to say hello right away, if I haven't greeted you yet... I'm trying to!  (and yes those messages that say hello and thank you are not automatic. I type them with MY OWN TWO PAWS!!)

Progress update - 2X ELIXIR

Yanno I didn't think I was going to finish this chapter on time because of the time off of the comic that I had to take to march, and protest, and call my state officials, and so on. But I did! It's 22 pages and all ready to go in November. Yay. That also means that the next chapter - which I believe will be plot Chapter 09 - will be the first Familiar chapter of 2021. Yikes. Which brings me to...

09 WICK (working title)

I was going back and forth between doing a second filler chapter before jumping back into the plot but, like, I want to get to Freddi and Rosemary. So I'm pushing back PLEASE and gonna head into 09 WICK, in which Diana starts a side gig with Sybil, has a heart to heart conversation with Jack about the nature of their relationship, and ends with Jack agreeing to come with Diana to confront an important part of his past. Dun dun dunnnn. This chapter will be directly followed by Chapter 10, in which Rosemary will be properly introduced. It feels painstakingly far away but I also don't want to promise chapters faster than I can make them. So we're just gonna keep at it slow and steady and reliable. That's me yanno. Old reliable.

Anyway the July poll will be on 09 but I haven't decided what yet. I have a placeholder for sexy times but don't know what it will be at the moment, so like. It'll probably be that!

And this month...

Thumbnails for 1X DESK JOB will go to Influencers  at the end of this month! It's a really silly chapter but actually there's some weirdly time-relevant stuff that overlaps with quarantine life. Like both the nostalgia of visiting IKEA as well as the idea that literally locking yourself up at home can be nice if the circumstances and mindset are right. Ha ha ha.


There's a bunch of Patreon housekeeping I want to do, like properly tagging all my posts, updating the welcome copy, and so on. It's mostly behind the scenes stuff but I wanted you to know I DID notice how annoying and badly organized it is, and that I am going to do something about it. 

Other stuff

Most of you are also following me on Twitter so you've probably seen that I organized and am running a fundraiser for LGBTQ Freedom Fund, an organization that posts bail for queer folks who need it. I am only mentioning it here because I promised to draw a picture of Diana domming Jack if the fundraiser reachers $5000 by midnight tomorrow (July 2). I know that's a thing that's probably relevant to some of y'all's interests so like. I dunno just gonna drop this here.


Alrighty, that's that. Hope everyone enjoyed 07 CENTER - and as always, thank you for your ongoing support and encouragement. Couldn't do it without ya.






Thank you for the newsletter 😁


Your own two paws. :3