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I'm going to try to post more frequently. I really want to, and I'm working on Familiar every day, but I feel like most of the stuff I have to talk about is really boring. But it occurs to me that maybe I just think it's boring, and other people like this kind of stuff. 

SO, I'm going to start trying some little process posts. At least once a week, maybe more. It keeps me motivated because interest and excitement to share this stuff motivates me, and hopefully it adds value to this Patreon because you get to see cool behind the scenes stuff.

For today's process post I thought I'd just focus on what I'm working on today, which is finalizing the script for 07 CENTER (thumbnails are coming to Influencers next week!). This chapter has had a lot of back and forth because it's a pivotal chapter bridging (finally) the "prequel" stuff of Diana and Jack meeting and signing their contract to the post-Familiar-launch party that happens in Chapter 00. Since it's been basically a year that I've been working on the prequel stuff, getting the chronology right in 07 has taken a lot of effort both on my part and on Clem who does all my story editing/plot continuity stuff.

As the script changes, the text bubbles do, too. I do all my pages in InDesign, but since I hand draw my bubbles for a more natural/emotive feel, they're part of the image file. So by the time I start finalizing pages, usually I have disembubbled text everywhere. I arrange it on the page in InDesign and when I feel like I have it figured out (or close enough), I go back and redraw the bubbles.

Pictured here is a page from 07 before and after the script updates. Note I also do things like add timing/transition panels (top left) and adjustments like closing Diana's mouth in p1 so it doesn't look like she's saying Kari's text.

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I love watching people do what they think is the mundane minutae of their work. I think it's fascinating to see how a project goes from idea to release.


I honestly am fascinated by the process and such so I for one am all for it 😁