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Hi! It's April so here's the newsletter from ya boy.

🔮 COVID19 update

I don't want to get too heavy because I know y'all come here to get away from real life. So let's just get this over with quick: Shit's been fucked up. As you all know, I've paused April fees to try to take one financial thing off your radar. I've been spending about 50% of my time stressing out and 50% playing Animal Crossing. lmao

Most of my work hasn't been affected by the pandemic. However, my partner (who earns half our household income) has been affected. So, I just wanted to shout out and say first of all, THANK YOU to everyone who's supported me in other ways already this April. Secondly, I wanted to say that it's possible I may fall a little behind on the comic as I put my efforts fully into my work in an attempt to earn more and create a financial buffer. 

As much as I'd love to work on the comic full time, unfortunately in times like these I have to prioritize the work that pays the mortgage. I also intend to resume Patreon charges in May in the hopes that it can allow me to work on the comic. Thanks in advance for your understanding.

🔮 Chapter 1X - DESKJOB - Done!

I did finish the finals for DESKJOB, despite it all. So, at the very least, that's on schedule for publication. This month's poll will be about the final page of this chapter, so look forward to some furniture bondage options.

🔮 Updated release schedule

I originally planned that if I finished it in March, I would release Desk Job early, but with everything going on I'm reluctant to commit to that. Also, I realized that if I do the following schedule, two cool things happen:


  • Advanced Access Patrons (Aug 24 MY BIRTHDAY)
  • Public (Aug 30)


  •  Advanced Access Patrons (Sept 21 FAMILIAR 1 YEAR ANNIVERSARY)
  • Public (Sept 30)

So, this is for sure the schedule for Desk Job, and if things go normally this month on Firebird, it will be published on the one year anniversary of Familiar. Perfect for a season finale.

🔮 Pinup calendar goal met!

I just announced this yesterday, but it bears repeating: HOORAY  & THANK YOU! We reached the $300/month goal for this Patreon, which means unlocking the monthly wallpapers. For every month that we keep this goal met, I will make a pinup calendar wallpaper -- starting with April. Please be sure to vote in the poll -- it closes Friday so I can get the wallpaper drawn and ready by Monday so you can actually use it for April. 

Thank you so much for your continued support. Looking forward to sharing GIFT, aka "horny for real Jack Albright" at the end of the month, and of course the usual sneak peeks in the meantime.



Thank you so much for constantly updating us. We are seriously going through a crazy time at the moment. I absolutely love Animal Crossing. I've been playing that and FFXIV like crazy because it feels nice to get lost in a world so unlike ours, especially in these times. Here's to hoping to better days soon. Thank you for everything you do for us too ❤️


Thank you for the updates. Please don’t worry about disappointing us! I think you’ve cultivated a kind and understanding following, and we 100% understand your situation. Most of us are in similar situations. Thank you for the positivity you share. Keep being amazing.