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Hello! Time for the February update. Will be a lil' one this month.

🔮  January! Patreon! Numbers!

Five of you joined us in the slow and cold months of January -- welcome! We are getting closer and closer to the first Patron stretch goal of $300/month, at which I'll be able to start making monthly pinup calendar wallpapers. Fun & exciting. 

Although I try to promote artfully on Twitter, in the end this comic receives most of its traffic via recommendations. Thank you so much for sharing Familiar with YOUR friends. Even if they don't become Patrons, that recommendation and referral is what makes this all possible.

🔮  Restructuring notes & updated release schedule

As I mentioned earlier in January, the next few chapters had a bit of restructuring to do. BUT it's all sorted now and I am back on track. Here's the updated schedule based on how that all went down:

  • Chapter 06 - SIR - Pub date Feb 20 (advanced access) / 27 (public)
  • Chapter 1X - GIFT - Pub date April 23 (advanced access) / 30 (public)
  • Chapter 07 - CENTER - Pub date June 23 (advanced access) / 30 (public)
  • Chapter 1X - DESK JOB - TBA
  • Chapter 08 - FIREBIRD - TBA

IF I can get Desk Job wrapped up by the end of March (that's ambitious), I will release it in July with Firebird coming in August. That's a new chapter each in June, July, and August instead of the usual every other month schedule. But let's see how it goes. In the meantime we're set through winter and tax season. LOL.

🔮 Chapter list

With the rescheduling and reorginization, I know the Patron rewards schedule for the chapters (thank you credits, polls, etc) have gotten a little hectic. So I wanted to remind/alert everyone again of the chapter list on the website, which tracks Patron rewards as well as pub dates, content warnings, and other chapter info:


Please keep this in your back pocket whenever you're like "WTF did he say again?" -- it's way easier to read here than in my Patreon posts.

🔮 February poll

Per the new release schedule, February's poll will be for Chapter 07, CENTER. As usual, look for it around the 15th.

🔮 2020 side project - Oracle deck/prints

I'm intrigued by the interest in the last all Patrons poll about a 2020 side project. It occurred to me that if I worked on an Oracle deck, I could also convert those illustrations into prints. So, I'm working on that in my spare time. I don't think it would be a full-ass Rider-Waite deck -- that's 78 cards and insane -- but I am definitely thinking about something more reasonable, like a 12 or 24 card Oracle deck with fully painted illustrations that would also work well as prints. More on this as it develops.

As always, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your support. Let's get through February!




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