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Hi everyone,

I hope you're all doing well!

We’ve just hit the three-month mark on Patreon, and I’m truly grateful for all the support and feedback you’ve given me—it’s been incredible! As we continue the journey of "Sun Sea and Swap," I’m thrilled to share that there’s a lot more excitement ahead for our characters, including new faces and some familiar ones making a comeback.

We have some really fun scenes coming up, like the girls' visit to Hotmods agency and a catch-up with a past character. I’m aiming to keep this comic going through the year and maybe even beyond—there’s still so much story to unfold!

I’ve been playing around with the layout, adding more panels per page to enhance the flow of dialogue. I hope you’ve noticed and enjoyed these tweaks in recent posts. Your enjoyment drives these changes, so please continue to share your thoughts in the comments. I’m all ears for what works and what doesn’t. If there's anything you'd like to see me try that you're seeing other creators do, feel free to drop it in the comments. If you just have a random suggestion, feel free as well.

I’d also love to hear which aspects you’ve enjoyed the most so far, beyond the transformations. Please vote in the poll in the separate post.

Thank you for being such an integral part of this story!




Thanks so much taking the time to write all of this feedback. I’m really flattered how much you’re enjoying it. It’s super motivating for me, so I really appreciate it. I’m glad you’re enjoying the development of the side characters as this was a completely new direction for me as my previous works have always just focused on the main characters. Trying to keep the balance between telling their story whilst sticking to the mainline is a bit of a challenge but I think it’s worked out well so far with Jacinta and her crew. We’ve got another little side quest coming up in the next chapter which will focus on a side character as well, but won’t take us too far off track. I appreciate your comments regarding the pacing and level of content. I’m glad it’s a satisfactory amount. My objective is to publish minimum 40 images a month and I reckon we are probably going close to 60 at the moment. I’m just hoping that as I transition to multi panel scenes and the number of pages I push out drops, readers won’t feel let down. It will be the same amount of content, just presented more efficiently to support the dialogue and pacing.

Jakken Haggar

I like the pacing of your story. You take enough time to show the main cast, their actions and reactions in this mayhem and place enough side events with side characters. Their meddling with others (changing them in good or bad intent) and the reaction of said persons to our girls and all of this mayhem IS part of the main character’s expression and development and thus important :) -> You got the power to change the world: What will you do with it? And truth be told, more uses of the app equals more changes and reactions to watch for us readers!!