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Hey y'all,

Short update because we're running late (as you can see from the date). We'll have plenty of stuff to share in a few weeks though!

-August had a LOT of work hours spent on National Park Girls and Twofold. After a couple years of anticipation, the final episode of NPG will be releasing tomorrow! The NPG team has been hard at work ever since episode 4, and they can't wait to get it out the door at last. adi's currently putting the finishing touches on the NPG artbook which will go up on Steam tomorrow too. We're looking at next year for physical game copies. If you haven't yet, there's still time to wishlist episode 5 before it goes on sale tomorrow!

-We've also been working on scripting the Summer demo! As it currently stands, it's a little over half done. After spending so much time on this part, I'm reeeeally looking forward to getting back to writing scenes instead. Still, it's really rewarding to see it all coming together. Even if it does result in the occasional mishap, like Hanna's third eye.

That's about all I can share for today. If it seems like this post is a little vague, that's because we're saving most of our big news for something coming up.

Something which all of you are invited to.

Save the date: October 1st

More info really soon.


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