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Meowdy everyone! I hope you've all been having a good summer. It's been super hot where I live, and my air conditioning unit was making super loud rattling noises. I finally got it fixed and I can live in quiet cool peace now!!

If you've been following us... anywhere, you'll know that we're campaigning for Miho Rights - well. Her right to exist in plushie format!! We're already 77% funded - if we can sell another 45 plushies, she can enter production!

If you want one or think you'll want one, this is a rare chance to get her!!! Please help us reach our goal of Miho DOMINATION.

I bought five.

ANYWAY to celebrate/promote it, I drew an Aspen touching her ears! I had the idea (it was 1000% arimia's idea. we love you arimia thank you for your service always) to make a post about drawing the Aspen picture, since I had the layer files. A bit of proof to prove that I don't use AI art if any of you ever doubted me!!!!

I always struggle with sketches. I am exposing my weakness. It always takes a couple sketches to get to my final pictures, and this is no exception!

I finally remember how to draw Aspen and I briefly consider giving her a cat ear headband.

Then I get to lining it... I traced a photo of the doll for Maximum Accuracy.


To be a little more efficient with the shading, I did this light-heavy style with a bit of shadows. The light is a screen layer with an orange outline applied to it, so I can get that edge orange effect immediately! I shaded it sparingly.

I then used this effect to colour the lineart quickly.

A thing I like to do sometimes when the lineart looks lonely is to expand the lineart so it's thicker, and then set it to something like 15% opacity. It gives it a softer spongey look!

And then I throw on some random background effects and voila!

I hope it's informative/entertaining to read these posts~ Have a lovely rest of summer, and if you haven't taken a look yet, remember to check out Miho on Makeship! Bias aside, I think she really is an adorable plushie - AND you can touch her ears and tail!

Thank you everyone for the incredible support!

- adi



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