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*Syon even provided a narrated version of this update. You can find it in the attachments if you want to hear it.

Hey everyone, Syon here!

Extremely long time, extremely no see. What can I say — I’m just as elusive as that final episode of National Park Girls.

Speaking of which…

I’d like to apologize for the long absence of any information regarding the release of NPG 5. Time and then again, we kept making promises about the release, and time and time again, those promises went broken. Whoopsiedaisy.

The primary reason for this is because we were waiting on the CGs. Every other asset has been ready for an excruciatingly long time, but the CGs were in dev purgatory for a solid minute. Or year. But, I’m happy to inform you, that as of the time of this writing, we are one CG away from all of the CGs being completed. There’s a good chance that by the time this gets posted, Satchel will be done with it.

What does that mean? Well, first of all, it means snazzy new sprites and CG previews. Oooh. Aaah.

It also means that we’re ready to start scripting. Which could have started a while ago, admittedly, but there’s about five or six other projects on my plate at the moment, so it was one of those things where it felt more manageable to get started once I knew we had everything we needed. NPG episodes aren’t too difficult to script and program due to their length. By my estimate, it should take two weeks of work to get a release-ready build going.

That does not mean Episode 5 is coming out in two weeks. Let me repeat myself – that does not mean Episode 5 is coming out in two weeks

It just means that the work left to do would take about a total of two weeks if working consistently. Fortunately, both Adi and caps have offered to help out with the scripting, and they’re the two hardest workers I know. With them helping out, Episode 5 is sure to be exceptionally polished and pretty.

Anyway, we’re almost there. Hang in just a little longer. I promise it’ll be worth the wait. Keep the flame alive.

- Syon



WOOOOO I’m so excited to get some news of NPG again and I’m very much so looking forward to when everything is all wrapped up!!!

Hildegard von Derp

Thank you! I love NPG and it’s exciting and bittersweet to even contemplate closing it out.