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Hi everyone! Today we wanted to give you an update on Twofold's development. Back in February, to celebrate Caprice's birthday, we provided a set of progress bars detailing how far individual aspects of development have been going. We have an updated chart to share now!

There's a few exciting things to note, so let's talk about the individual parts more in-depth.


Both the character art and background art are moving along. Their progress may seem relatively slow, but that's only because their individual to-do's are winding down so there just isn't much left! These will likely be wrapped up soon. Meanwhile, CG art took a bit of a back seat as Theo focused on other areas for the time being. Namely…


The script for Twofold is now 100% finalized! We'd been going over the script and punching it up, taking extra time to develop the characters more and rework certain story beats to make it stronger. After months of rewriting and editing, we're really happy with where it is and can't wait to share it with you!

With the script done and sent off to Syon, we're now starting up the voice recording process. We've actually wrapped our sessions up with the writing club side characters (Tanya, Darren, Heather) as well as Caprice/Millie/Olive for the prologue chapter. We've shown off another voiced preview on Twitter recently, if you missed it!


Music's pretty much entirely done. The entire OST is ready to go and implemented in-game. We're just leaving that 5% open for some wiggle-room polish and various sound effect work.

Scripting & Programming

The biggest development has undoubtedly been scripting. With assets coming together and writing being finalized, we've been able to really start zooming through scene implementation, especially with papaya from milkplus+ joining on to help! The grand majority of Twofold is now actually playable in-game; once the remaining character art comes in, we're expecting to be able to wrap this up relatively quick. After that, it'll just be a matter of replacing placeholder assets and polishing it up.

So… that's that! While some bars have a ways to go yet, it definitely feels like we're on the downwards slope. Things are speeding up fast and hopefully that momentum will carry us through to the end!


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