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Hello everyone, hope you're having a great January so far! As our first (non-New Years) post for 2023, we have a few updates for Summer at the Edge of the Universe, our upcoming good-vibes-only solarpunk visual novel.

In our last post we said that we would be focusing on Samayuuni as our big project. Now, we have some new artwork to share for it!

As a preview just for our newsletter and Patreon subscribers, here's what they look like on one of the game's backgrounds.

We recently created a second YouTube channel for livestreams and the past week adirosa has been streaming artwork on it! This will be where we do impromptu art and developer livestreams, so if that interests you then be sure to hit the notifications on it.

Right now you can watch sped up versions of the previous livestreams. Don't worry, though, more art streams are coming up this week and in the future!

As our last mini update, we have a few items in our merch store that are either not going to be reprinted or won't be back for quite a while. If you missed out on our Heart of the Woods Kickstarter, this is your last chance to get some of the left over goodies from it.

Thank you everyone for your support, see you next time!

​— Arimia



Looking really good and promising as always~ 💜