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Hey all,

We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe. We've been buckled down working on stuff like always, and before we knew it, February was over. Here's what's been going on.

-More PBH progress! The CG's for Chapters 2 and 3 are now complete, with adi somehow doing a whopping 11 CG's this past month, on top of wallpapers and other stuff too. It was a really productive month for me in terms of writing, and some of the scenes I finished up this month are among my favorite things I've ever written. Hopefully y'all will feel the same when reading it. We're set to begin editing soon, and started working on getting scenes finalized and ready for scripting.

-Heart of the Woods was released on Playstation consoles, and is coming soon to Xbox! You can pick it up on PS4 or PS5 - unfortunately we weren't able to do cross-buy, but both versions are identical in quality.

-We've finally gotten some good news regarding the Highway Blossoms vinyl release, so hopefully those will be able to start shipping out later this month. If you ordered a copy of it let us know in the comments - we're very curious to know how many folks picked one up 👀

-We have a reprint of our Summer 2019 limited merch collection going on on our webstore for a couple more weeks! These first came out right after Heart of the Woods was released and we've had a lot of requests for them to be available again. These keychains and shirts will be available to order for another 2 weeks, and after that will be discontinued again. Keychains will ship out at the end of March!

-We can't share too many details on these yet, but we have a few new Bellhouse titles that we'll be announcing in the next month or two as well. If you're not familiar, Bellhouse is our small publishing wing, where we publish and promote a few games by other developers. A couple of these titles will be pretty different from other games we've published or developed.

Right now, we're planning a mini-event where we intend to announce a few things, including those Bellhouse games. It's been taking a lot of organizing and planning, but it should be really cool in the end.

That's it for this month - see ya next time!



Picked up a vinyl! Looking forward to it! :D

Stuart Telfer

Looking forward to getting my vinyl order!


Grabbed one of the test presses, super excited to see it arrive!

Marika Pauley

I bought the vinyl, very excited for it and hoping for a HotW vinyl one day.