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Hi everyone,

These past few weeks have been filled with a lot of us being sick or on vacation, so there's not quite as much to report as usual. Still, that doesn't mean we've been totally without any progress!

If you've been hanging out in our Patreon channel on Discord, you might have seen adi livestreaming some work on backgrounds for Please Be Happy. She's been breezing through them, so here's one of the recently finished ones. This is the pier that Miho visits, and can be a recurring location based on your choices.

Work on the Lock and Key demo continues as well, with a number of new art assets from Milkgrrl coming in lately. With most of the script written, the main focus is on getting music and art done next. We don't want to spoil too much by showing it early, but rest assured, it's coming! The demo is still on track to be released later this year. Lots of demos this year, huh?

One thing we're very excited about is that shipping for the Heart of the Woods Kickstarter rewards is officially underway! Sekai Project, who's handling fulfillment for us, estimates that everything should be sent out by the end of this month. If it's not, it should be complete early next month. We also have placed the order for the goods for our own webstore, including the Highway Blossoms anniversary merch and the new keychains. It'll be a couple weeks before those arrive at our shipping center (AKA Josh's apartment), but those will be going out as soon as we get them. We've started shipping our webstore orders ourselves to avoid the missing package issues that lots of our customers were having before, so it should be much more reliable now. It does take a bit longer for us to actually receive the items in the first place, though.

Just like last update, there is a lot more that's been going on behind-the-scenes, but nothing we can share right now. I will say, it's looking like February of next year is going to be a pretty cool month in terms of news and updates for us. Obviously that's still pretty far out, but we like to try to time things around Valentine's Day when we can.

To end things off with, here's a preview of this month's PBH wallpaper from adi. The theme for this month is fashion, so it features the heroines with some outfit swaps! Look forward to seeing the finished version later this month~

Thanks for your support, and catch ya next time.


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