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Hey everyone,

It's a slowish month so far in terms of progress, but we did have some cool updates to share.

The first chapter of Please Be Happy continues to be in the final stages, while work on Chapters 2 and 3 is ongoing. Currently, adi's working on one of the last cg's needed for it, featuring a reflective Miho atop Mt. Victoria.

Speaking of PBH, you may have already seen, but the game will be featured in the upcoming Wholesome Direct, alongside a number of other sweet looking games! Tune in on June 12th for a special announcement from us~

For Heart of the Woods, the issue on the console version that we were facing has been fixed, and the game has passed lotcheck! We're now just waiting on Nintendo to give us final approval to launch the store page, which should still be later this month. As a reminder, that's when we'll be able to send keys to Kickstarter backers.

We've also (hopefully) found someone to print the last of the reward items: the collector's edition box. We're still waiting on a final quote, but things seem promising at least. Once we can get those printed, we can finally get everything shipped. These images come from the prototype box, but it's so nice to see the game and soundtrack in physical form, even if we haven't been able to hold them yet ourselves 😭

Finally, make sure you don't miss the epilogue of Cherry's Story, which was posted here on Patreon this morning! It's a sweet and fitting end to our first light novel! We hope you've enjoyed this story, alongside Celeste Academy. The Celestaria universe is particularly near and dear to the hearts of the dev team, so it's been a very special pet project.

That's pretty much everything we have to share today. June is still shaping up to be an exciting month, so please look forward to more news in a few weeks. Thanks for your support!



one of the final CGs, exciting!!! looking forward to nintendo's final approval for hotw switch. hopefully the box printing works out. i can't believe we're at the epilogue for Cherry's Story! appreciate the update as always. looking forward to June