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Hey everyone! It's adi again, with another PBH technical post!

You may have seen in an update a little while back, but I've been working hard on the map for Please Be Happy! It was a multi-day affair, and I underestimated the workload… drastically. But I'm more well informed now, and I thought I might share the process with you all!

First things first - Wellington! I went to Google Maps and took a screenshot, rotating it until I was happy with the angle and zoom.

I also, ahem, scribbled on it a bunch, figuring out the key locations on the game and how it would be marked. I also used Google's help to calculate walking distances to help out! This is Wellington Central, by the way - the city itself is way longer and definitely takes more than an hour to get from one end to another. Miho doesn't have a car, though, so everything's kind of restricted around that!

While most of these locations are real, Juliet's house is made up and there's a different building on that street corner. F…fantasy Wellington, okay? I took some creative liberties.

Once I was done with that, I adjusted zoom again to make sure all the elements fit but are as big as possible. I also doodled some UI onto it too, to get a more accurate feel of what I was working with. I marked off the selectable areas with those big brown chunks, and I stepped back, admiring my handiwork…

…But I didn't like it. First of all, the Google Maps colours were way too obviously… Google Maps. Secondly, I didn't like how the roads looked!!! This was pretty devastating considering I spent all day (and a bit of the day before) tracing every single road.

Tried adjusting colours… better, but still not great.

At this point, I decided to do what I do whenever I get stuck - look at references!

PBH has a light art nouveau influence running throughout, so I searched for 'antique map' and 'art nouveau map', and found these:



New possibilities running through my mind, I went back to my map!

Now I was getting somewhere! I threw over a paper texture too, and removed a lot of the thinner roads to try and help the look.

I also traced the whole thing again. Yeah. Yes I Know. But my original trace was too scratchy and not bold enough. I combined the pencilly original trace to the bolder 2nd one for this effect, making one of the layers red instead of dark brown.

Josh asked if there was anything I could do to better suggest the more fantastical setting of the world, and I wanted to give it a stronger hand-made touch, so after a lot of thinking, I came up with this!

Princess Maker was another inspiration while working on this. I used to play a lot of PM4 as a kid…

Happy with the overall direction, I set off to make the final assets to go on top!

First were the character icons! They'll have a little face on top of locations to show where they are at any given location. Miho's was done for the little speaking Miho on the map, but I could see her icon being used on the map as well!

After that, I made little icons for various different indicators on the maps too - indicators for 'it's a date!' 'it's the main story!' 'this will use a time segment!'.

And lastly but oh god not the least… The individual location icons. This took me… a long time. But it's done now!!! I hope anyone who's been to Wellington feels the locations from these icons, I really tried my best to capture each location (though I haven't been to a handful of them, like Hataitai Park or Zealandia… maybe on my next visit..!)

Once that was done, I could finally move on to putting them all -

Oh the clouds.

I drew the clouds.

Once that was done, I could finally move on to putting them all together!

It took me a fair while, and I adjusted other elements as I did it too. The map base is much lighter, for example, and each location has a stronger glow.

Overall though, I'm really happy with how it turned out! I underestimated the work involved with this, and I will take my humble pie and eat it. Map makers? You're doing great.

Thanks for reading!




So wild seeing my home city being reconstructed like this. You've done a great job of capturing the locations in the icons, and managing to resist using the Bucket Fountain ;)


Thank you so much!!! I'm so glad to hear that. (The bucket fountain does show up in game, but I really wanted to put the rainbow roads in PBH somewhere..!!) - adi

Stuart Telfer

This is super cool, I love the style you ended up at for the map! And looking at the Te Papa and Botanic Gardens icons I was immediately like oh yeah, that's the place I remember!


this was such a good read! i love how you kept in and shared the difficulties of the process. like not liking the first pass of the map after all the work that went into it, which references you went with, and retracing the map to clean it up. it's so cool being able to see how it all comes together into the final product. posts like these are an absolute joy to read!

Amanda Haley

It's gorgeous! Thanks for all your hard work!