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Meowdy everyone, it's adi! Hope you're having a good month. Time is fake! I can't believe it's already been a year since we announced Lock and Key. Looking back, I realized I never talked about the development of the logo (which I am very proud of), so I decided to write this up to celebrate the anniversary.

The original info I got from our director was this:

The main things I looked at for inspiration was Aikatsu, Sailor Moon, Puella Magi, a little bit of Utena and Precure.

My first drafts!

Based on feedback, I focused on B, F and G.

C was what the team decided on, so it was time for me to move onto colour!

I wanted to shift the elements around a little bit so it would be more horizontal than a square shaped logo (if that makes any sense). I learned from the TWA and HOTW logo that tall logos are really difficult to place on things!

I kept shifting stuff around, adding sparkles, and then I punched up the saturation and got my final draft!

After this, it was just a lot of cleanup work!

My experience was 'hand-writing text is painful'.

Applying little details like a noise texture, giving shine to the lock.

A bit more fiddling, and I was done!

I worked pretty hard on the logo, and I hope you all like it!





time is fake! it's really cool to see the initial designs and which ones were picked to be worked further. i really like how the final logo came out! *hand-writing text is painful...*


I’m new here so a bit late on the comment, but I love the logo. The design and those colours are very pleasing to the eye ^^


Aw, thanks so much! It makes me very happy to know people go back and read our older posts too :) - adi