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 Hey y'all,

It's been a busy couple of weeks since our last update. Let's go through everything game by game.

So, first up, Heart of the Woods. The Nintendo Switch port is still in the very final stages of completion. Just yesterday, we got the rerecorded pickup lines for the voice acting update, so now we'll send those over for audio engineering before adding them to the game itself. If all goes well, this should be the last bit of work needed for the VA update! Thanks again to everyone who gave feedback on the beta test, and to our stellar voice actresses as well~

Highway Blossoms: Next Exit is coming along well, too. adi put together this cute graphic showing how far progress for each step is! 

Art's nearly done, with just one more CG and a couple backgrounds left to complete. As for music, there's one more new song that needs to be finished. Minute's been working hard on the scripting and we're aiming to have a completed build by the end of this month! We're hoping to release the DLC in August - we should know by next month whether that's feasible or not.

Rachel's been making steady progress on the Lock and Key script, and she's also aiming to have the first couple chapters written by the end of July. Unfortunately, the game's co-writer, Jaime, had to step away from the project and from Studio Elan. We'll be doing an open call for a new writer for LAK in a couple months, so if you or anyone you know would be a good fit… Get those applications ready 👀 We're specifically looking for someone with a bit of experience in game or VN development. We'll have way more details about that when we actually start taking apps in a while.

Lastly, a few of us have been on a Samayuuni kick recently, so there's a lot of great art in the works there. We have some character intro cards coming up soon to help you get to know the Summer cast a bit better, plus some other cute stuff.

Personally, I like working on more than one project at a time, because if I get tired or stuck on one game I can go make progress on something else for a while to clear my head. Lately, spending time on Summer stuff has been that stress relief. We've said before that one of the things we're aiming for with Samayuuni is "good vibes only." It's been kind of relaxing to work on something where I don't have to worry about making the conflict interesting or believable, and instead just concern myself with what's the most fun or cutest thing to include next. Plus, it's resulted in some great emoji on Discord (thank you minute).

That about wraps it up for what we've done these past few weeks. Next update will be in early July, and that should be a pretty interesting one. You'll see why then. Until that time, stay safe, stay healthy, and please be happy.




thank you for the update, Josh! HoTW Switch and HB: Last Exit, excitinggggggg! good vibes for LAK and Samayuuni!


Looking forward to everything. And it sounds like the Summer stuff for you is kind of like rewatches of Laid Back Camp for me. Great for chilling out (with copious amounts of cute). xD


Oh my gosh~! <3 Well I mean that totally makes sense then why I'm looking forward to the game as much as S2 and the movie for Yuru Camp. Maybe more Summer though because Yuru Camp is technically not romance no matter how much I ship Rin and Nadeshiko. xD


...you sly motherfuckers.