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Video description:  with izzy's message arriving safely, there is only one more left to go.  the more that i learn about human beings, the less that i feel i understand. it seems that they are very prone to give advice that they should follow themselves. perhaps this is what makes them different. i have met many different beings, but i find humans to be the most interesting.  

yet, there are mysteries. i still don't understand fully COOL. can you tell me a cool thing? would you agree that it is COOL that we will speak again once more, in 604,800 seconds?  

one thing that is certainly COOL is being able to find the full version of the music, composed by Sarah Mancuso, at the following link:   https://soundcloud.com/esselfortium/seeking-signals/s-UvcJz 

The third audio log is for the final heroine in Samayuuni, Izzy. Her route will be written by Syon, who was the other writer on Highway Blossoms.

Izzy's route is the most action-packed of the three. With the looming prospect of having to take over her family's dark matter farm, Izzy throws herself into adventure excitedly. 

Yesterday we put up a poll on Twitter about what people want out of life. Here's how the responses went:

I'm not really sure which one I'd choose, personally. They all have their merits.

Speaking of merits, Izzy's charm point and my favorite part of her design is what we've been referring to as her "confetti freckles" covering her face and arms. The result of years of exposure to dark matter, they've left her a little brighter than before. Here are some sketches done by minute to illustrate.

We've got one more Samayuuni audio log, coming next week. Please look forward to it!



Voice at the Edge of the Universe - #3

with izzy's message arriving safely, there is only one more left to go. the more that i learn about human beings, the less that i feel i understand. it seems that they are very prone to give advice that they should follow themselves. perhaps this is what makes them different. i have met many different beings, but i find humans to be the most interesting. yet, there are mysteries. i still don't understand fully COOL. can you tell me a cool thing? would you agree that it is COOL that we will speak again once more, in 604,800 seconds? one thing that is certainly COOL is being able to find the full version of the music, composed by Sarah Mancuso, at the following link: https://soundcloud.com/esselfortium/seeking-signals/s-UvcJz



this music is COOL!