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Today's sneak peek is offers a glimpse of what's to come in our upcoming game, Samayuuni. Joining us for this game is advarcher as a background artist, and what you see below are some of his first works for us. Samayuuni is going to cover a LOT of different locations, so this is just a glimpse of what's to come. 

We're excited for you guys to take this journey with us =) We just received our first finished character design for the game, and there are three more main designs to follow. Plus, well, you heard what Sarah's been working on in one of the last sneak peeks. Outlining for the game will finish at the end of this month, so in just under a week! I'm excited to get back to actually writing, since it's been months since I was really able to do so. You'll be hearing some more about Samayuuni very soon!

Until then, take care.





These hit some super close aesthetic notes for me, I'm stoked to see what's in store with Samayuuni!