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Carida really thought she’d be used to this by now, but waiting for a date is always nerve-wracking.

It really, really doesn’t help that the photo of the address that Natalesca sent her with perfect cursive led to a parking lot.

Maybe it wasn’t Arpeggio Road. Maybe it was Arpeggia Road. Why did she have to send a photo?

The parking lot is, to be fair, a really nice parking lot. If anything, it’s so nice that it’s even more stressful. High end carriages. The newest car models - is that one the one that was fuelled by potential energy?! Even the fences and the trees look… expensive. The guard - yeah, the guard to the parking lot - was looking at her suspiciously, and it’s not helping. 

She feels out of place in her kind-of-nice clothes - didn’t want to overdress, but there was a non-zero chance that she was also meeting a princess. Now she wishes she overdressed.

Carida shuffles around a little and tries to not look suspicious as a grand white carriage comes into the parking lot. The driver stops the carriage and exits to open the door.

A red carpet comes rolling out. Headed towards… her. Oh no. She sidesteps and it follows her, to land right in front of Carida's feet.

Is this really happening. 

Out steps Natalesca, in an impossibly regal blazer and perfectly ironed trousers.

A larger-than-life bow, her blazer flaring out like a cape. In one quick motion, she stands back up and outstretches her hand towards Carida.

"Hello, miss Carida! You are truly beautiful in photo, but I must say it doesn't do you justice. Would you care to join me in my carriage? I would like to escort you to the location of our date."

...Well, at least she read the address right.


The interior of the carriage is as fancy as the exterior, with velvet plush seats and rich curtains drawn back. Carida has to admit that the seats were comfy, and they would be infinitely more comfy if she didn't feel so out of her depth right now.

Everything is surreal. This has to be a dream, right?

"How are you this lovely morning, miss Carida?" Natalesca smiles and Carida feels little butterflies in her stomach.
"I am fine!" Was that awkward? That was awkward. "Why did you send me a photo of the address?"
"Oh." Natalesca looks a little sheepish. "Was that too much? I wanted to show my sincerity. And, I suppose I wanted to give a good impression."
"Well - um, you have very nice handwriting! I wasn't really sure if I was in the right place though."
Natalesca looks as if she's holding all of Carida's words dear, which makes her even more flustered. "I'll definitely consider that next time. Not everyone was raised like I was."

Raised like what? A princess? Carida desperately wants to ask, but she holds off.

"So where are we headed?"
Natalesca lights up. "To one of my favourite spots - there are these most beautiful flowers in the town square. I wanted to take you there! And then, if you're feeling up to it, perhaps dinner afterwards?" She looks at Carida like a puppy.

Maybe Natalesca is just a normal girl who went a little overboard. Carida can definitely relate to that.

"That sounds lovely." Carida feels herself relaxing finally, and judging by Natalesca relaxing too, she can tell that her smile looks as it genuine as it feels.


The carriage stops at a large gate.

"What's happening?" Carida's head is already peeking out the window. Carriages are lined up beside them, with uniformed people checking for some papers.
"We're just entering the capital city. There shouldn't be any issues." Natalesca doesn't look relaxed though.
"Your highness," a footman angrily whispers through the window. "What are you doing?"

Natalesca freezes.

"I do not need to answer to you. I'll be on my way, if you'd excuse me." Natalesca gestures to their driver, who has a big frown.
"You do need to answer to her Majesty, princess!" The footman's voice is leaving the whisper zone.

Natalesca's eyes dart between Carida, the footman and the door.

"I am terribly sorry, miss Carida."

Then she holds Carida's hand, slams open the door and expertly disconnects the horse from the carriage, jumping up onto it and pulling a very overwhelmed Carida up as well.

"Princess Natalesca you will stop - " Heads turn as Natalesca expertly maneuvers the horse to gallop in… some direction, through the gate.


When they finally slow down, and Carida's heart slows to a normal rate, they're in a large, well maintained field.

She knows the answer, but she has to ask.

“Who are you?” It sounds a lot more desperate and sincere than it actually was.

Natalesca is silent for a moment, and they trot through some hedges that hopes up to reveal… a grand palace. The back of one. She turns to face Carida, sun behind her.

“I am Natalesca von Luntesque, the 7th princess of the Kingdom of Luntesque.” A big grand voice, practised words. Then she tilts her head down, and in a quieter voice: “But I’m also just a girl who wants to go on a fun date.”

Well then. She was literally on a date with a princess.

“I’m so sorry about all this, miss Carida. I didn’t expect to get held up at the gates like that - I can find you a ride home, if you would like, of course - my mother would not object, we are very hospitable to all - “
Carida laughs. “It’s been exciting so far, and it’s my first time in Luntesque. Maybe you can show me around!”
Natalesca lets out a big sigh of relief. “You are very sweet. Thank you - you’re right, we can still salvage the day!”

Her voice is returning to its original, boisterous confident form, eyes with a bit more purpose than remorse.

“Where to, your highness?” Carida smiles.
“Please, just Natalesca. Would you like to wait outside or would you like to see the insides of a palace?”
How is that even a question? “I’m going with you.”

Natalesca smiles widely - is that a sparkle? “Follow me!”

They sneak through the back, and all this was not good for Carida’s heart, but again, palace. The doors they use are clearly not intended for royal use, nor the dusty set of stairs that Natalesca leads her up. The corridors are plain, but clean, with general housekeeping tools strewn about.

Finally, they open a door with a marked red sticker, and they’re back in the land of the rich.

“Dark grey? I didn’t expect a palace to be decorated like this,” Carida says, head tilted in question.
“Ah - that’s because it’s my personal wing. My bedroom is up ahead.” They walk through a narrow corridor.
“Your personal wing?!”
“Mmhm - the royal family used to be a lot larger than this.” She leads Carida to a grandiose door, and opens it.

Yup, today is bizarre. Natalesca has already stepped inside, but Carida eyes the line separating the ‘bedroom’ and ‘not-bedroom’ parts. She inhales, and steps in. Natalesca has already made a full circle around the room, and puts a horse riding helmet on her.

“Huh. Nice fit, I thought it might be a bit big on you.”
Carida can definitely feel that her hair is cushioning her head in the helmet. “So we’re still going to ride horses?”
“Yes! How would you feel about going on a picnic?” She has a basket in arm.
“I think I would like that a lot.”

Natalesca offers her hand this time. Carida takes it and lets Natalesca lead her.

They don’t go far before Carida hears a familiar sound - 

“Your highness!” Yep, those are definitely footsteps she hears.
“We’re making a dash.” Natalesca’s voice is quiet and very cool. Carida was really getting tons of exercise this date. They run back to where they entered, and Natalesca beelines to the stable. This time, Carida is prepared as Natalesca hoists her up on the horse behind her.
“Her majesty wants to see you right now!” A shout in the distance.
“Oh gosh, you’re in for a fun time later Nata,” a girlish voice says. Carida sits up straight and frantically looks around the stables.
“Solar, my lovely sister,” Natalesca says desperately. Solar’s grin widens.
“Don’t worry, I won’t rat you out. Have fun, baby sister.” She shoos them out with her hand, and the horse follows that command.
“Thank you so much, my loveliest sister!” The horse starts trotting a little faster. “I’ll send you some of the nice apples later!”

Solar is out of sight now, and slowly, the palace fades from sight too.

Natalesca’s ears are red. “I’m sorry,” she says quietly, in a low voice that’s way cooler than it deserves to be. Carida’s heart is beating loud in her chest, but it could just as well be from all of that running and tension. (She’s willing to say it’s 50/50, honestly.) She just holds onto Natalesca tight as she guides the horse to their destination.


The sun is beginning to dip when they arrive at a beautiful lake in a wide clearing with a distant view of a town. Natalesca helps her off the horse.

Carida takes in the view. It’s really beautiful, untouched by people.

“Where is this?” she asks quietly. They’ve been riding for a little while, but they can’t be too far from the city.
“Neptaine. It’s the land that will be entrusted to me in the future.” Natalesca opens up the cloth on the basket and lays it on the grass. “What do you think?”
Carida watches as Natalesca takes a comfy seat. “It’s beautiful.” Carida sits down next to her.
“It is, isn’t it! My parents are wondering why I’m not so eager to take claim of it yet.” She opens up the basket and Carida gets her first peek inside - the sun hits it at the right angle and she can see beautiful vibrant colours.
“Huh - why aren’t you?”
Natalesca starts pulling out fruit - apples, oranges, a few she doesn’t recognize. “It’s much easier, not being responsible for anything. I can run away from some guards to go on a date with a cute girl right now. If I become a duchess… I can’t do that.”

She lets out a long sigh and leans back to look at the sky. The gentle breeze blows her bangs her into face, and she brushes them back with a hand. 

“I”m just stalling.”

Carida can understand, just a little bit. Graduation was looming and she’s afraid of what comes after being a student. The responsibility of… being head chef, or owning a restaurant… even if she wants to be there some day, she isn’t ready for it and she isn’t sure if she’ll be ready for it soon enough.

Natalesca sits back up and looks right at Carida. “Miss Carida. I am truly, sincerely sorry about the events of today.”

Carida opens her mouth, ready to say ‘it’s fine’ habitually, but she stops. A lot happened, and not all of it pleasant.

“It was quite a lot wasn’t it?” But Carida experienced a lot that she definitely wouldn’t have otherwise. A dash of adventure, an up-close look a palace, horseback riding with a princess, and Carida could just see the new fruits in the basket that she was excited to analyze. She meets Natalesca’s eyes. “It’s okay. I had a lot of fun. It was like an adventure!”
Natalesca laughs and smiles at her. “As long as that’s true, I’m glad.”
“I would be even more delighted if I could go through your basket of food.”
“Oh, that’s right!” Natalesca claps her hands. “I want to apologize for not treating you to an appropriate dinner - “
Carida shushes her. “Natalesca, who do you think I am!”

She stares back.

“I am a senior in the culinary attunements department.” Without waiting for a reply, Carida opens up the basket and surveys its contents. “Hm. Oh. Interesting!”

It’s filled with an assortment of fruits and vegetables - looking extremely fresh and tasty - and that is some bread, some cheese… yes, she could definitely work with this.

“One second, Natalesca.” Carida stands up, and takes a look around the clearing. She is so thankful that her advisor all but forced her to take foraging 101 (which made her interested enough to take foraging 102 as well). She finds a couple herbs and rinses them off at the lake before coming back. “Do you recognize these?”
Natalesca squints a little. “This isn’t my forte, sorry. I can tell you about the vegetables?”
Carida giggles. “It’s okay. This is literally my forte.”

She breathes in, and does a little bit of magic. One of the more basic spells - ‘analyze object’, though of course hers was focused on the food side of said objects.

First - no poisons, of course, Carida doesn’t need magic to know that much. Then she picks up on the flavour profiles of the new and old herbs in front of her, and possibilities flitter through her mind.

Finally, the assembly. Normally, Carida loves the human feeling of slicing vegetables and fruit, the cronch, but she can live without it. Suspended by her magic, the ingredients split and rearrange themselves into a classic, but definitely tasty salad.

Natalesca looks in awe and looks at Carida. Carida, very experienced in interpreting the gazes of hungry people, know what it means - can I eat it yet?

The answer though: “Not yet!” Carida reaches into her bag with her left hand and with ease pulls out her spice rack. It floats by her hand, and she pulls out salt, of course, as well as an assortment of spices. Sprinkling it on, the floating salad shakes to get the spices spread on evenly, and she puts the spice rack down.

“For the final touch…” Carida sprinkles on the freshly picked herbs.

And then, carefully - it was shocking how difficult this could be sometimes - she splits the salad in two, and gently sends it floating towards Natalesca.

“Be careful! I don’t have mana shaping down perfect yet.” Carida pokes her floating salad ball. “But - you know, enjoy.”

Carida doesn’t even touch her salad until she sees Natalesca’s first expression. The expression that makes it all worth it.

It’s so radiant. Natalesca beams, eyes lighting up, and look, the sparkles are back! “This is amazing, miss Carida!”
Carida saves this expression and commits it to memory. “I’m so glad you like it!” She tastes the salad herself, and it truly is wonderful. “Wow, these vegetables are amazing.”
“Thank you! I helped grow them myself.” Natalesca munches on another leaf.
“You’re a… farmer princess?”
“Oh - Neptaine is one of the top agricultural lands in our kingdom! I have to know the trade for my people. It’s also my major at Celeste Academy.”

Wow. Carida is definitely going to keep an eye out for Neptaine produce, then.

“I’m a little surprised you brought a spice rack on a date,” Natalesca says while eyeing her pouch.
“I don’t go anywhere without my salts and spices.” Carida is dead serious about this.
“It definitely came in handy today!”

See, Sohee? Someone appreciates it.

Carida watches the view contently. The sun dropping even more, and the sky was dyed in beautiful peachy hues.

“So, Natalesca, why were you on Wondr?”
“To go on dates with the wonderful ladies in the Cadence Isles, of course.”
She never failed to be a delight. “No, but for real.”
“Well - that was ‘for real’. I am also - I just want to have some fun memories before I have to settle down.” She looks back at Carida carefully. “Realistically, I won’t be able to properly court anyone I meet on a dating app, and I think we both know that.”
Carida was so glad they’re on the same page. Natalesca is very very handsome and very cool, but her and her family were way too much for Carida. “Yeah - I agree! Today was really fun. I’m also like… I went to the Love Witch. And she told me that I’d find 12 people this year and my true love in that, too.”
“Oh, my, how exciting!”
Carida laughs a bit shyly. “You’re my third date, so, I’m still excited about what the future has in store for me.”
“That’s wonderful! Good luck! Anyone that has you is a lucky woman for sure.”
Blood was rushing to her face again, so Carida hurriedly looks towards the sunset. “The view here really is stunning.”
“It really is,” Natalesca replies in a content, quiet voice.

They watch as the sun sets, and their date ends.


“No, you really don’t need to send me home! It’s so far and you’ve done a lot for me already. It’s the weekend and like, you’re staying here for it right? I’ll just take the bus.”
“Miss Carida, I insist.” Natalesca claps twice, and oh no the red carpet was back. When did that carriage even get here?

Natalesca holds out her hand, and Carida holds it, resigned, as they board the beautiful white carriage. It heads straight for Celeste Academy. Just like the rest of the day, Natalesca is a delight of a person as they chat on their way home.

Upon arrival, the same driver from the day opens the door, and Natalesca gets off first, extending her hand to help Carida down. It's totally unnecessary and totally welcomed.

"I had a lovely day, miss Carida. I do hope we can stay in touch - I would like to know the future top chef of Cadence personally!"
"Thank you, Natalesca. I would always been keen to cook you dinner in exchange for some veggies!"
"Oh, I must go help out on the fields some more then." Natalesca holds up the hand she's holding, and kisses it. "Hope you have a wonderful night, miss Carida."

Natalesca turns around with way more poise than Carida was feeling right now and boards the carriage home.

Carida is red up to her ears, and wow all that really just happened.

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Stuart Telfer

Okay that was so much fun. Not at all how I expected it to go


that was so good! *cronch*


hey, this could be right out of a modern disney movie, if they could be yuri :D i realy wonder how this would go for a happy ending o: caridas abilitys would be so nice to have, making food takes so much time xD