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“Carida, please, not every chapter can end with a dinner party.”

It’s hard to stop a laugh bubbling out. She could just imagine Lexa giving extra emphasis on the ‘please’. Sohee, the nosy roommate, raises an eyebrow.

“Who are ya texting?” her roommate asks with a cheeky little grin.

Carida smiles back. “The beast of the library. She’s very cute.”

“why not! if my weeks end with a dinner party, so could theirs”

And… send.

“Oh, the one with pigtails?” Wait, she knows her?

“Yeah - Lexa - you go to the library?” Carida asks. She was an adventurer sort, not the bookish sort.

“Don’t be rude! Of course I do,” her roommate says, rolling her eyes. Oops. Carida probably shouldn’t mention that she stepped foot in it the first time three days ago.

“Not everyone is like you, Carida.”

Carida scrunches her face at Lexa’s response.

“Hey, do you think she could join our weekend meet-ups?” She didn’t think anyone would mind, but honestly her dorm room was getting a little bit cramped on their gatherings.

“Yo, you give us full meals, you can do whatever and we won’t complain.”

She had a point. Whatever girls, you’re gonna meet Lexa and enjoy the heck out of her company!

“mayeb not everyone, but you could b! do u want to join me and my friends on sunday nights”

Sent… oh, she should’ve fixed that message before sending. Because -

“Maybe. Be. You.”

- of that.

She hums for a little moment as she waits for Lexa to properly process the message and send a response.

“I don’t know. I’m not very good at being social.”

Another ring.

“I will think about it.”

That’s fair. Even Carida would find it difficult to go to a gathering of established friends that she didn’t know.

“tell me whenever u”


“tell me whenever you feel up to it then!”

“Is she joining us?” Sohee has since moved into the kitchen - is she getting snacks again? - and is yelling from across the room.

“Not yet! One day maybe,” Carida yells back. One day, hopefully.

“That’s too bad! By the way, this cookie dough is really good.”

“Sohee put that down - “

A ring from her phone. Lexa? She checks in a hurry but instead she sees - 3 notifs on Wondr.

She forgot about the two alerts that she hastily muffled in class. Three. Three heart search results waiting for her.

“There are twelve choices and one of them will be your true love,” the Love Witch had said.

Lexa was one of her choices, she was sure of it.

And maybe… the third would be here, in her heart search results.

Tenderly, she opens the app in anticipation.

Natalesca Fon Luntesque, 22

♡: Magic! Romance! Wonder! Flowers!!!

Hello darling people~! I am pleased to announce that I will be joining you all on this wondrful (😂) phone application in search for ROMANCE! 💘 LOVE! ❤ and FEELINGS OF AFFECTION! 💖 Ladies, I would be delighted to take your hand and take you to see the most beautiful sights. xoxo

 Whitney Tharion, 19

♡: A nice bottle of wine and a beautiful meal.

Ice attunement major, 2nd year. I'm THAT Lady Tharion.
Plebs do not interact. I am looking for refined women. Tata.

 Lindsey Latramaine, 20

♡: soft whispers and flights of fancies

Hello! I'm your wonderful beautiful lifestyle b/vlogger Lindseeeeeey~! ♡ (Look me up HERE and HERE, or at @lalalindseylove) As my fans know, I've visited the love witch and I'm looking for my One True Love! Could you be the one? Must be okay with filming. 

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