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Hello spicy patrons! minute's been busy setting up this little HTML5 interactive story hub, and contributed as yearlime for our first stories! Try it out with the link - we'll be thrilled to hear your thoughts! 

Password is “patreon”.

Our first stories:

Allure and Gem (Original)
After a battle, Allure tends to Gem's wounds. Gem wants to protect the village at any cost. Allure wants Gem's safety. The two take respite in each other during this moment of calm.
Chalk Lines (Original)
Werewolves are far too feral. Far too wild and unruly to ever coexist with vampires. And yet, I'm falling in love anyway. 

Let us know in the comments what other sorts of stories you'd like to see were too, NSFW or otherwise!




Stuart Telfer

Oh, wow, this was really really good. Played through both stories once and will almost certainly do so again to try other options. I really liked the lore links in addition to the progression ones, and the way you mixed up which word or words were the progression links was cool. Nice work!


Really wish I could read these on mobile <3


I loved everything about these stories! They're so vivid and heartfelt, while also being fun and silly. The format made them so fun to read, being able to click on key phrases to be quickly move to an expounded explanation or dialogue change in real time. It's so cool! I would love to see more projects, big and small, done with flourishes like these. And hopefully see some more of these characters in the future? <: