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We've got a really cool sneak peek today. This one is JAM PACKED so stick with us. Real quick, I wanted to apologize that the sneak peek posts are kind of few and far between lately. To be honest, we kind of ran out of stuff to preview. On the bright side though, we're going to be getting back into active development soon, and we should have more stuff to post about.

Anywayyyyy, this JAM PACKED POST is a two-parter. We mentioned this in our monthly update, but we're going to be changing the title of "The Waters Above." Well, sorta. We'll be announcing this publicly in the near future, but for now y'all get early access. Drumroll, please:


The new title is "Starkeeper: The Waters Above." Here's a quick sketch of the direction we're thinking of taking for the new logo. We wanted a more illustrative approach this time around, so we're thinking about having it feature Maera.

We wanted to keep TWA as part of it, since we've been talking about that name for so long. At the same time, the focus of the story is changing a lot, as well as the actual nature of the waters, and so we wanted a new title to represent it. If you've played the TWA Prelude or been following our posts for a while, then you probably have a guess at who the starkeeper is. If you haven't, then… You'll find out soon 👀

Finally, here's the big one. Well, bigger.

Just like with HotW, we're going to be including a special ending theme for the game. But, this time around, we're going to have an opening theme as well. Both tracks are being composed by Singto Conley, and feature a special vocalist whom we'll reveal later. For now though, here's a preview of the first takes for both the OP and the ED. These may change a lot by the end; they may even be totally different songs. But for now, we really like these as starting points. Hopefully you will too!

OP Preview: https://soundcloud.com/singtoconley/twa-op-test/s-PuQ43

ED Preview: https://soundcloud.com/singtoconley/early-demo-clip-starkeeper-the-waters-above-ending-theme/s-1IiIX

Tell us what you think!

We'll be sharing more details of the Starkeeper plot when we do our public reveal of the new title. We're going to keep as much of the Prelude canon as we can.

Until then, take care!



Kyle Caldwell

That OP Preview sounds sooooo good!