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Just two gals in love. Thank you Rachel for the lovely canon short, taking place shortly after the events of Heart of the Woods! Picture above is sketched by theo and rendered by adirosa.

“So, uh...this is my room. Or, like, our room? I figure that’s what it is now, right?”

Tara opens the door to her bedroom and I step inside, looking around the cluttered space. There are clothes everywhere. The trash is overflowing. Styrofoam containers are stacked in various locations. It’s a mess. From the way she scratches the back of her neck and looks at the floor, I can tell she knows it.

“I, um, didn’t really expect to be bringing company back here with me. I totally would have cleaned up if I’d known, for real. I’ll get all this shit cleared out soon, I promise!” She stammers as she kicks a pizza box away from her. But I’m not looking at the mess on the floor. I’m looking at the walls. Every inch is covered in posters and stickers for everything from cryptids to bands to her own show. The top of her dresser and her desk are filled with trinkets, figures, and who knows what else. I’ve never been in a room like this before. A room that’s really been lived in.

“I love it.”


“I love it here.” I tell her, gently taking her hand. “Thank you for sharing it with me.” After taking a second to admire the confused look on her face, I kiss her. I can’t help myself. Something about that face makes it impossible to resist.

She recovers well. Flashing me a big grin, she gets ready to fire off a comeback. I don’t let her. Instead, I kiss her again, moving us toward the bed. Before I can lay her down, I take a second to push the pile of clothes and trash off the bed and onto the floor, then lift her up and place her there instead. She doesn’t protest, just grinning at me again.

“You react a lot better to this mess than Mads does, that’s for sure.”

I chuckle as I climb on top of her. Coming to rest with my legs between hers, I lean down to kiss her yet again. My left hand reaches up to intertwine my fingers with hers. She giggles. It’s adorable.

I know we still have a lot to do. It’s going to be a real struggle figuring out how I’m going to fit all my stuff in here. But that can wait. Right now, all I need is this moment with her. I want it to last, but for the first time I don’t want it to last forever.

Because now I know how much more I have to look forward to.




Ah! It's torture not having any more of this. T_T Love this so much.


Could we have one with Abigail and Mads too? :)