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Hey y'all! Just here to give everyone an update on all the progress we've made on TWA this month!!

It's not a lot! Everyone is really focused on Heart of the Woods, we're really doing our best to make sure that it's as good as it can possibly be for its release date. Unfortunately that means that TWA has temporarily been placed on the backburner, until the HotW release.

Currently TWA is between drafts right now. A few scenes need to be rewritten, and a few scenes need to be added. We think that this will be the last major change needed towards the script, and after that, we should be ready to start polishing. While working on HotW over the last month or so, I have had ideas percolating in my head as to what changes need to be made, and I'm excited to get those done.

That'll have to wait til sometime next month, though.

I look forward to having more to say for February. See y'all on the other side of Heart of the Woods.



Excited to hear that the script for TWA is nearing completion. Looking forward to both HoTW and TWA!