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Hey everyone,

You may have seen on our social media, but just in case: Heart of the Woods is going to be released on February 15 of next year! Less than two months away. We've been working super extra really hard on it, and we're sooooo close to the end.

Along with that news, we also finally announced the artists for our ending theme for HotW: In Love With a Ghost and Ukuletea! There's a snippet you can hear attached just below, and the full version of the song will be released when the game comes out. The wonderful cover art for the song was drawn by our programmer/editor/damn near everything do-er, minute!

Finally, we mentioned that we're going to be releasing our first beta to everyone who's supporting us at the beta-access tiers! On December 26th, Patrons in those tiers will be able to play the full first chapter of the game. Some of the scenes from Chapter 1 were present in the demo for the game, although a few of them have changed significantly since then. We might also be offering Chapter 1 to a few streamers and reviewers for a first look.



That art is beautiful and I bet you are so excited to release the game~!! 🏞