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It's the last month before holiday season really kicks into gear... We hope you'll be able to take time to spend it with friends, family, and cute yuri games.

As for us, we're hard at work. If you haven't seen our website yet, check it out! Its been totally revamped and features some new blog posts, including this one about our new release dates for both HoTW and TWA. There's a few other treats in there as well, including our about page, staff page, and game pages. On top of that, we released Taranormal last month, a free game with dubious canon content featuring Tara and Maddie streaming their annual Halloween episode.

Now then!

On the writing front, Heart of the Woods is making very steady progress. While we've had to push back our release date, scenes are steadily being drafted, edited, revised, and scripted to completion.

On the art side, we're very excited to say most of our art assets are completed! We have new backgrounds, touched up sprites, new sprites, updated GUI, a ton of new accessibility options, and a plethora of CGs that you'll see in the game, or maybe... sooner~?

For now, enjoy taking a look at our gals sporting their fancy new expressions. The new sprite pieces have at least doubled Morgan and Tara's expressiveness from the demo, and will make each and every scene a bit more lively.

Thank you all for your continued support. We'll keep doing our best for you all!




Nice nice nice!!!