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Hey y'all! It's time for another look at a CG from TWA. This one features Apple and shows up about halfway through the game, so if you are concerned about spoilers it is slightly spoilery! Although not too much, as it depicts something we hinted at in TWA:P.

As usual we've included in-progress images from Namie as well as a zip of all the versions of the CG for you to use as you like. All we ask is that you don't post them on social media until the game is out.

Also I'm including a slightly modified writeup for the CG. I've just edited it a little to leave out some major spoilers, none of which showed up in the final version of the CG anyway.

Apple is standing in front of one of the big openings in the starfield’s corridors facing the camera. Maera stands in front of them, back to the camera. Apple has their hand held up, with a look of joy and anticipation on their face. Maera’s hands are clutched to her chest, as if they were folded in prayer. Behind Apple, each of the domes in the sky has opened up. All nine thousand stars fall down to earth, stardust trailing behind them. Each one that hits the dome that covers the earth flashes brilliantly as it passes through the vault of heaven unharmed.
This is the first time we see Apple in human form, which Maera did not until now even believe was possible. Maera is in a state of complete shock. She has been fragile lately, there have been so many changes in her life, and she can’t even begin to process all this. Apple is blithely ecstatic. They don’t understand the implications of what they’ve just done, instead they think they’ve done something that will not only make all other stars happy, but Maera happy as well.



Exciting! I'm really interested to learn more about Apple as I enjoy the full story! :-)