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It feels like only a month ago that I was just writing our last monthly progress update. Time flies, huh?

That's a good thing though, because even though July was a bit of a slow month for us relatively speaking, August has made for up it a lot. Drafting has been going a lot quicker than it was, with a bunch of new scenes for both TWA and HotW being written up. We also got a handful of completed HotW CG's, with no sign of slowing down anytime soon. There are three character designs remaining for Heart of the Woods, and we should also be getting those finished this month too. Later today, we’ll also be choosing a winner from our Taranormal T-shirt Contest.

We're still optimistic, but not 100% certain, about releasing HotW this year. TWA is gonna be pushed back until early 2019 though.

You may have noticed that we released an update to the HotW demo with some improvements and a new Chinese version available. Special thanks to our translation teams Hakui Team and Project Gutenberg as well as our very own Minute and Adirosa, who all worked super hard to make that a reality. We'll be doing the same for The Waters Above: Prelude at a later date.

Speaking of TWA, it was recently announced that we're going to be at Anime Weekend Atlanta this month, and Namie will be there with us too - her first ever North American convention. If you're gonna be there too, do come say hello. We'll also have some TWA keychains and general Namie merch available to buy.

All in all, things are going well right now, and should only be getting better. We brought on someone to the team whose sole job will be overseeing and keeping everything on track, to help us be even more consistent with our output. Like always, thanks to everyone who supports us here on Patreon and helps make it all possible. We hope you're having as much fun as we are!



Feels like just last month that I was reading the August month report~ (Glad that everything is going well!)