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Heya everyone, just a quick post today! We're going to be at Otakon in Washington, DC this weekend - we'll be at booth 102 in the Dealer's Room, sharing a booth with our friends at Studio Nekomata. Here's where we are on the map!


Like at Offkai Expo, we'll have physical copies of our games & artbooks as well as other merch like keychains and more~ In fact, here's some new merch we're debuting at Otakon!

 One of our new items are stickers! Here's a few you can expect to see at Otakon - they're all about 3" tall. The new Maddie & Miho busts are illustrated by Cilphy!

Another new items are these adorable linking keychains, illustrated by olivinearc!


Aside from merch, our Lock & Key update will be a bit late this month - sorry about that! You can expect it on Friday. For now, here's a preview of what it's about.

Writing endings is tricky, especially when there’s more going on than a simple “good ending vs. bad ending” situation. We’ve got our “true” ending, of course, just like HOTW did, but that doesn’t necessarily equate to everyone living happily ever after. In the same vein, the other endings needed to be more than just “everyone is miserable forever and everything sucks” because, to be frank, that would be super boring! That leaves us with a lot of middle ground to cover, and with two separate axes of choices to combine, it allows us to cover more ground than you might expect.

These monthly Lock & Key updates are available to $5+ Patrons.

That's about it for now - hope to see you at Otakon this weekend!

— Arimia



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