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And here it is! A brand new super wicked Jessica update!
This one added quite a few things in line.
But when the pitch smack you in the head, and the inspiration pile in, you got to go with the flow!
And so the Fan Tour continues, for our naughty delight!

There has been even more tweakery magic, in this update, too, with improvements on the 'skip' feature! (available as a bonus code in the Redeemer, fyi)
You can now skip entire chapters directly (given how numerous they are, now, it's a relief xD), and even straight to the last one!
(I... suspect I missed some incoming bugs, as Jessica engine is very peculiar, but we'll see with time how it goes)

And last but not least, loads of fixes on stains & limb coloring issues!

Time to shine!

Download newest version in the archive attached!
(extract archive and launch either .exe or .swf version of the game to play!)  

Note : don't forget you got truckloads of bonus codes for this game, in the Code Redeemer website, to add some fun or comfort to your plays!



Aegis Images

Best update, excellent work as always Mattis.

Sil Titan

Always a welcomed update