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 (Sticky : "how to get bonus codes for games", "access to the Redeemer" and other questions? Click right here for answers!)    

Yep, I got something since a week, making me endure some special kind of hell. Several hypothesis went up and down, but it might be kidney stones, as far as we've guessed! 

Good news? Well, it takes a whole lot more than that to put me down! Because this is HENTAI SPARTAAAA, I was able to keep progressing on the secret game, bring it on, hentai forever!

If you missed it (somehow), the poll is still running, with surprising & interesting result I must say! It makes me very curious to ask why you choosed each game over others, lol!

Link to poll "your favorite mattis games" : https://goo.gl/H4WUT0  

Enough struggle, back on polishing and vibing those curves!  We got insanely pleasurable hentai  to make! (how's eager to know what the secret stuff is about?)




Don't work yourself too hard. Keep your health in mind. We would be more depressed if your health took a turn than if you took a break for a while.


Yeah man, take a break for a bit and get some time to see a doctor and all that stuff. Take care of yourself just as you do for your work! :D


Thanks a lot! Though best medicine is sex, every doctors agree on that, so... I'll see what I can do ;)


Thanks a lot, my dear hentai captain! I'll try to kidnap a doctor during the gloomy nights ;)