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Hello back, my beautiful ones, for this first March news!

First off : thanks a lot (and again) for your appreciation of our unexpected 'mpreg month', lol ;) It was really fun and sexy to work on, and I'll be sure to add more to the mix as we go!

And let's bring funky content to the table right away, with an alternate (darker ? or juicier ?) story for Raven PB episode!
This one was suggested straight away after initial release, so it's not a huge surprise in itself. Just a delightful wish granted!

Now that it's done, I'll go tackle down some other stuff straight away, but I got a loaded month ahead of me, IRL, so I hope I'll be able to iron out everything I want, and not have to postpone stuff.
Fingers crossed!
Onward to sexier tomorrows!




"Just a delightful wish granted!" Indeed! I hope others like the idea too.


There's a bug for changing Raven's boob size. Upon opening the options tab, I get the following message: TypeError: Error #2007: Parameter listener must be non-null. at flash.events::EventDispatcher/addEventListener() at PB20_Raven_fla::Symbol38_180/frame1() at flash.display::MovieClip/gotoAndStop() at PB20_Raven_fla::panel_interface_145/PanelAffiche()


Oh my gosh! This one was so tricky, and unveiled a deep bug that probably would have messed with many other stuff, down the road xD Nice catch! It's now fixed, you can re-download the archive, with newest/patched version in it ;)