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And following up on another suggestions of yours, it's time for Black Widow, to get a multiple-pregnancies glorious feature!
(unlockable via reward code in the Redeemer, like PB April before her!)
There's just a slight bug with mpreg option panel I wasn't able to squeeze out for the time being (and probably not in the near future), but everything else works and is there to be enjoyed!

This Black Widow update also comes with a "custom story" feature, available by default, in the form of a text file you can edit/tweak at will, in the package/rar attached!
(still improving the stuff you can do with those custom stories, it ain't the easiest part to program & develop, but it's worked on for sure)

And cream on the tip, you can set up "mpreg specific dialogs", in that custom story, that will adapt to the number of babies the character currently have! (hell yeah!)
But that will show up only if you got mpreg feature activated, of course.
If not - or don't want it at all - just erase those mpreg stuff away, simple as that!

Another breaking news : I made some improvements in Redeemer website, for PB navigation as well as zip/rar attached, to replace obsolete links of oldest versions.

And last thing : I won't be around for a few days, but I'll come back soon!
(and of course in time for the 7th, for new accesses & contributions update!)

EDIT 07/30 : various fixes!



Charles Hinkle

What? No futa and female "dude" options?

chad monk

hey matthis i can not get black widow features my redeemer does not have can you post one that has it thanks


I'm not quite sure of that. :/ This kind of passive-agressive comments you're making since months are starting to get to me, I'm afraid. Especially when I worked hard to please you and answer your demands, those past months, and got nothing but more cold comments since. If my best ain't enough, I'm sorry, I'm trying. But this kind of comments aren't helping. On the contrary. :/


Sorry about that, I was so rushed when I scheduled all this that I forgot to add the mpreg code to the Redeemer! xD (hope it was just about this, and not a full Redeemer website problem ? If so, please develop, I'll fix it)

Mister Glitch

At the end of the day, Mattis owes us absolutely nothing, even if you are a donating patron. He's a human being who is putting a great deal of effort into his craft and he deserves respect. Whenever any of us act entitled, it makes him that much LESS motivated to share his art with us. If you feel you aren't getting what you are "owed" by being a patron, you have every right to halt your donation, but remember that the whole point of being a patron is to support the artist because you like their style and you want to help them or just say "thanks for providing me with all this amazing content that I could never create myself because I'm not as talented as you in that arena". I realize that the rewards system (i.e. higher donations translate to greater access/benefits) gives the impression that there is a quid pro quo relationship akin to a customer/server relationship you might expect at a store or a restaurant, but in reality, Mattis can do anything he wants -- he can keep the money and never share any of his art with the community ever again, or, if we're lucky maybe he'll let us see some more it, and, hopefully, we can all continue to admire and appreciate it for what it is, instead of complaining about what it is not.

Commander G

There is a weird bug for me that whenever I cum inside black widow the whole animation just stops. It happens after I use the code to unlock pregnant mode and to add more babies.


Thanks for the feedback! I was able to hunt down this one on my end too, and made a hot fix for that. You can re-download the archive to get newest version without this annoying bug ;)


Its normal a error messange if i change the name of the swf from porn bastards 18 black window and the custom not load with that popu


Do you think you can add this to the Peach one?


Yes : you need to keep same name (PB_Black_Widow) to the .swf and .txt files, if you want the custom story to load properly with no error.


M-preg & custom story ? Sure! Though it ain't easy features to add, hence the "bit by bit" release for now, alas! (if only it could be something easy to unleash on all episodes at once, lol!)