And the winner is.... hell yeah! (+ news) (Patreon)
As you can guess, the legendary Princess Peach is finally making her way into the Porn Bastards serie!
A long awaited one, if I'm to trust the various polls we made, so it's more than time to get her in a... hum... more suitable outfit, and in a tricky situation!
It's gonna be an awesome one, I can feel it! (and if you have special ideas or suggestions to make, about the story itself, make your wishes, I'll see what I can include as I go!)
Also, as this month doesn't feel packed enough for my taste, and as it's something floating in the air since quite some time, I'll try to provide standalone/downloadable/offline versions of my games, before the end of the month, for you to enjoy! (hurray!)
It's a bit tricky because of various reasons I don't bother you with, but old games should work fine with that.
We'll see how many of them I can provide like that!
So be prepared to make some hentai stocks!