December mess, ha! (Patreon)
2014-12-09 07:30:03
I unfortunately underestimated the "december syndrom", that tends to transform an almost full month in a complete shattered mess of a few hours here and there.
Gifts problems, relatives everywhere, road traffic, travels, diseases, other peoples own disorganisation : available concentration and work hours are shrinking by the day!
Anyway a Sex Pit big ass update should come around soon anyway! ;)
(yeah, you know you want it! :p)
But as I really want to release something else this month, I've put the MMO on stand-by (alpha release before 2015, in this mess ? Come on, Mattis, be less ambitious and more realistic, please!) to focus on a small holiday game!
We have years to enjoy the MMO, while we have only one christmas a year, and I usually miss it. It's a shame I hope to fix, this time!
(cross fingers, and make a wish so my hoster don't disappear at the last minute if I'm able to finish this game on time!)
Here's a lil' screenshot of work in progress, enjoy!