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And kabooom! Here comes a huge new SexPit update, with loads of new stuff!!
(because fans out there told me they still give it thoughts and love, it was only fair for me to do the same!)
Did you guessed it was inbound?

First off : I've tweaked the engine to work with "newest" KoPC outfit & sex anims libraries.
Meaning I was able to double the juicy content, as it adds no less than 20 new sex anims, and as many outfits!!
(tricky, but definitely worth it!)

Also new around : furries!
You got a new bonus code to make everyone furry, from visitors to (customisable) girls, which is a super neat alternate version of this game!

Also also : gangbangs!
Your guests may now ask to get 2 girls instead of one!!
Skin/hair don't matter in those, but perks/gains/losses will still activate for both girls, so... beware, or enjoy? Both, I guess!
There's also a new bonus code, to force 3-some requests, in case you want only those to appear, from now on!

Of course more! I surprised myself to found the time to :
- revamp all kinds of text not appearing.
- fix "help" panels and improve them.
- add 2 new difficulties, upon popular demands, to change the game challenge!
- tweaked strip functions for a clearer use!
- added 'see preg' and 'see virgin' options, to allow for a more customisable experience!

Holy. Fucking. Crap.
What a month...
What an update!

Anyway, without further ado, enjoy the grand reopening of the Sex Pit!

Archive with newest files/version attached!
(Download, extract everything, and launch main game file .exe or .swf to play! Keep "kopc local" libraries in same directory as main file for game to work properly)

EDIT : missing sounds have been fixed! (re-download/overwrite files with newest archive!)




I didn't expect you to update TSP again. I have been thinking that maybe it can be integrated into KoPC (to expand business?). Some scene buildings require a large amount of funds to purchase, and repeating a single way of making money can be a bit boring. I noticed that TSP has 1 sex sound effect that KoPC doesn't have (adding more sound effects for KoPC?). Perhaps some interesting games can also be added. For example, After reaching a certain level of satisfaction, players can take away the girls in the scene to work for themselves. By the way, these are just my ideas, it may be difficult to implement them.But I think it is necessary to add oral and anal sex counters to KoPC. I mean In order to maximize rewards, players are always producing more babies. It is the king of porn city, not the king of pregnant city, right? LOL


Thanks for your input. Feel free to drop me an email (at mattis.chastan@gmail.com) to expand on all that and potential other ideas. Indeed, some would be insanely difficult to make, but some could be very easy, so it's always nice to hear about what players would like to enjoy. Now, to answer more precisely : - sound effect : which one ? What do you mean about adding more sound effects to KoPC ? (which one would you like ?) - Expanding KoPC means to get money : good thinking, yes. Especially as I always was a fan of 'Wet Empire' old management game, consisting in several "stages"/businesses/different gameplays. Problem being it could be stretching the game in many unforeseen, complex and badly thought out/balanced directions (while requiring immense work no one might care about or want to support to help realizing it) We could be cutting the branch we're sitting on, while I got many people wishing for loads of specific scenarios & such, thanks to KoPC rather permissive structure & pitch. That being said : 1 - having other ways to get money for KoPC would be good. I'll try to think of something neat along that line. 2 - having a game where SexPit gameplay is merely one aspect of it would be grandiose too. Maybe there's a "SexPit 2" hiding in there, or some bigger management game to flesh out, using assets we already have. - King of Pregnant City : fiy, that's exactly the point and the hidden title of the game, lol xD Though I hear about your oral and anal counter idea. Maybe there's something there to dig into, once again. (what else could we be counting, also, you think ? I feel we should expand this more to come up with something good)


In fact Mattis, there is no more sound since the last update :( only the music