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Beth's FurSympathy friends had been singing the praises of this erotic monster phone service for months, how it was "worth every penny." She chuckled at their comments. She loved her friends, sure, and knew their comments came from a good place. But who in the year of our lord 2023 paid for phone sex when there were so many other options online?

Or that's what she told herself, until a very messy break up left her angry and horny and sad. She didn't feel like going to clubs, or using dating apps, or facing people in real life. But spending a couple of bucks to spend a nice time with edibles, her wand, and someone pretending to be a hot monster giving her the best night of her life? Sure, worst case scenario she'd have a good laugh and a nice anecdote to share her online friends.

She called in after the edibles started to kick in, and the "monster" on the other side must have had good knowledge of voice editing software because she swore she could almost hear them growl. She smirked a little at how into their character they were.

15 minutes in, Beth was starting to let herself enjoy the fantasy. She indulged the actor who was putting so much effort in their performance.

30 minutes in and the wand was already on. Sometimes she had trouble making it work for her, but tonight it was hitting just right.

1 Hour later and the monster was telling her to lick her nipples... Her breasts had always been too small for that, but this time her forked tongue had no trouble curling around the sensitive nubs, making her shiver.

Beth had lost track of time when the monster ordered her to stroke her clit. She growled in excitement when her clawed fingers were able to curl around herself, making her tail twitch in and curl in pleasure.

After that the night became a blur. Beth woke up stretching in a bed now too small for her, and winced when she saw the massive charge on her credit card. She purred as she played with her phone... Maybe they were hiring?



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